Daniel is a multi-talented musician. He can play the piano and has a glorious voice also. Whenever you hear or see him sing, you forget all your sorrows and your soul will be uplifted.
He recently finished recording a single and granted Topafric an exclusive interview:
Thank you for taking the time out to answer our questions.
Q: What is your name?
A. Daniel JeddmanQ: How old are you?
A. I'm 27years of age.
Q: Where are you from? Where were you born? Where are your parents from?
A. I come from Ghana, I was born in Accra, and
My parents are all from Ghana.
Q: What age did you start singing?
A. I started singing at the tender age of 7, means I have
sang for 20years with experience. My dad, Bishop Collins Adu-Boahene
and mom, Rev. Gifty Adu-Boahene has being my greatest inspiration of
all time! Love them so much.Q: What genre of music do you particularly love? Jazz? Hip-Hop? RnB? Gospel Etc……
A. Wow cool question ;)...I love Jazz, I sing Jazz and
actually I am a professional pianist as well. Also love RnB
and Gospel alike. I love Akan and Ga songs as well, I mean
my local African dialect songs...Q: Who is your favorite artist and why?
A. Smokie Norful; His style is just rocking! The nature of his
inspiration is indescribable. He plays the piano and sings
from within. One can sense He sings from the heart. And above
all His personal life is a living testimony to me personally.
His songs like
I NEED YOU NOW http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhmbTReGkDs&feature=player_detailpageRUN TILL I FINISH http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=t6lytrEKyNo
Q: What are your hobbies?
A. I love to read spiritual book; biblical book to be precise,
piano, cooking, soccer, and music history research.Q: Who is your mentor or hero?
A. Smokie Norful from the USA.Q: If you were given a chance, which Artist would you love to sing with?
A. Quite a difficult question believe me...But permit me to choose my
best 3! Donnie Mclurkin, Smokie Norful and Alicia Keys. But I strongly
feel Smokie is the BEST for me. I have his voice range... ;).Q: What would you like our readers to know about Daniel ? Feel free to tell our readers more about yourself. Things like your goals in life, and what you currently do. And also let them know where they can get your music……
A. I first of all want to thank THE ALMIGHTY-ALL FAITHFUL GOD for this rightful opportunity
to also be part of this media platform.
Actually, I’m currently working strongly on my first album hopefully expecting great hits
from amongst the 10 under tactical construction. For the past years the Lord has really
been a father beyond imaginations. The things he saved me through and how far He has brought
me to. I currently got inspired and programmed a SINGLE I entitled; WHEN I REMEMBER, it talks
about the remembrance of the past and how far the Lord has seen me through. A symbol of adoration.
I successfully registered this SINGLE Label with Google, iTunes, Amazon, Spotify and almost all the other
music stores. These are the LINKs below to PREVIEW & BUY this spirit filled SINGLE from the stores only
for 0.99euros or 1euro to support my music ministry and your life will be transformed and properly informed.
iTUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/de/album/when-i-remember-single/id680351493?l=enGoogle Play: https://play.google.com/store/search?q=daniel+jeddman
Amazon:http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=daniel%20jeddman&sprefix=daniel+j%2Caps&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Adaniel%20jeddmanSpotify: https://play.spotify.com/artist/5w7f6socqFEppwa62VGgsY
feature=player_embedded&v= wlLXO9VSXx8
Please gladly click the link below and LIKE, SHARE and INVITE as many of your love ones,
friends, and wonderful families to contribute on what the Lord has already started with
https://www.facebook.com/miinister.danielThank you and we wish you the best of luck in all your endeavors