Sea lion drags little girl into Steveston waters


A university student, Michael Fujiwara,  was on the dock when he saw the large, male sea lion approach, so he started filming it as a crowd gathered around the animal. He says a family began feeding it bread crumbs while the young girl got close to the edge of the dock.

Andrew Trites, the director of UBC's Marine Mammal Research Unit, does not blame the animal for its behaviour in the video."My first reaction to the video is just how stupid some people can be to not treat wildlife with proper respect," he said. "This was a male California sea lion. They are huge animals. They are not circus performers. They're not trained to be next to people."

According to Canada's Marine Mammal Regulations, "no person shall disturb a marine mammal except when fishing." Trites says the sea lion in the video looks like it is used to having people feed it.

The incident occured at the Steveston Fisherman's Wharf, Richmond B.C. Canada. Luckily the little girl was rescued by her family member and bystanders. And Nobody was injured including the sea lion.